
Knights of Camelot


"Consistently re-watchable, funny and witty, Knights delivers to its full potential." 10/10

"While the storyline is good enough to hold the movie together and give it a sense of purpose, the director focused much more heavily on character development here. Possibly the best comedy to ever be made on 3dmm." 10/10

This seemed like an 'opening episode' more than anything. We got introduced to all of the characters, had a little plot thrown in, set the feel for the type of comedy we should just felt like there's gonna have to be more." 9.2/10

"While it's a technical heavyweight, it's a storytelling failure. There was so much potential that I couldn't help but feel this had the makings of a great movie, and instead is a merely ok comedy with little use of its cool concept." 6/10

Directed by Thomas Saville
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 27 minutes
Filesize: 8.4 MB

Consensus: Oddball British character-based humor is given priority over plot and storyline, but it's one of the best-timed TV-show style comedies in 3DMM.
Average Score:

Download: Knights of Camelot (.zip)

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