

Used by Lockntoad's staff reviewers to promote their projects.

Ninja Gaiden: The Dragon Born
The sequel to Gorosaurus's 2002 masterpiece Ninja Gaiden, The Dragon Born chronicles what's being called "the full story behind the series". Clocking in at an estimated 45 mintues in length, it begins thousands of years before the original and then covers the events that happen after Ryu's defeat of the millenia beast in the first film. Written by Z-Man and co-directed by Z-Man and Gorosaurus. Scheduled for release in late 2004.


Hype Thread 1
Hype Thread 2

Alternate Vlarion 4 - The Heavens Collide
The finale of the Vlarion series, continuing and bringing to a close the events started in Alternate Vlarion 3. Dask has his own goals in the rapidly collapsing world, leaving Brian, as the reluctant leader of the group, to try and figure out what needs to be done. As Vlaria continues to approach Earth and sinister plots begin to unravel behind the scenes, the nature of reality itself could be in jeopardy along with the fabric of time. Written and directed by Aaron Haynes, scheduled for release in late 2004.

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Teaser (outdated)
Hype Thread

Moderately Confused
The followup to Orcus's debut Slightly Confused, MC follows the exploits of the bank robber from the first after he breaks out of prison. Heavily inspired by Ocean's 11 and classic caper movies, the first film's premise of everyone just being a little on the incompetent side is demonstrated again with the Bank Robber's team, the warden and guards of the state prison, and of course the lovably retarded police force. Written and directed by James Quicksell, with some jokes and plot points pitched by Aaron Haynes. Scheduled for release in August 2004.

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Teaser 2
Hype Thread


Ringworld: The Lost Prophecy
Jon's science fiction epic and a powerful followup to Liquid Sunshine. Very little plot details have been revealed, but rumor has it the sheer "holy shit" spectacle of the Lord of the Rings trilogy may finally have been captured in 3D Movie Maker. Written and Directed by Jon Barton, Scheduled for Release October 3rd, 2004.

Teaser 1
Teaser 2
Hype Thread


Andres's final big 3DMM project, a stylish concept-based heist film that plays like the comic book series it was inspired by. The action is framed by panels that grow, shrink, flip, and move around the screen, capturing the action in a truly unique way. Few plot details have been released, but the comic book style of the narrative seems to indicate very good things. Written and Directed by Andres De La Hoz, scheduled for release in 2004.




The Prowling
Z-Man's followup to his JDR Revival review; a powerful, stylish 40-page script with elements of the shadow and samurai films a cornerstone. Dan Martin of the JDR series takes charge, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that given structure and direction, his animation can be used to tell a much more conventional and accessible story than Revolutions or Revival's. Aaron tags along to provide cinematic input and clean up after Dan's laziness. Written by Z-Man, Directed by Daniel Martin, and toyed with by Aaron Haynes. Scheduled for release in late 2004/early 2005.

Hype Thread

Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries