
Slightly Confused

Reviewed by Ben Lee

This review contains some spoilers.

I don't know what to expect when I clicked on Play with this movie loaded up. I haven't seen any of James' movies before, so you could say I was both excited and cautious at the same time. Slightly Confused is a comedy about a guy trying to rob a bank. The only problem is that he's a complete amateur, and this leads to a wide range of jokes. Now, this may not be a classic comedy, but despite its unoriginal plot, I found myself laughing quite a bit.

The first time I cracked up was when the robber gets in the car and asks for a lift to the bank, only a corner away. The camera angles which show this are definitely above-average, and the movie continues to shine in this department. In order to laugh at a joke, it has to be funny. And to make it funny, the animations and direction need to be spot on, and in a lot of scenes, the director does very well. There are many other examples I could give, but I don't want to ruin the jokes which effectively make up the movie.

There are a couple of flaws though. The most obvious one is that sometimes nothing much happens. What I mean by that is that there seem to be sections where the jokes are either a bit on the unfunny side, or where there isn't anything at all to smile or snigger at. Those parts just didn't keep my attention much. Why? Well, a couple of bits had average animations and camera angles, and sometimes the police chat outside the bank went on for a bit too long, but I think the biggest factor here is the lack of music. You hear conversations backed up with nothing too many times and you hear no music to go in with some of the major events, such as when the police finally run after the robber. And with a little bit of sound in your ears, this could have kept my eyes on the movie eagerly from start to finish.

Voice-acting, another key element to making someone laugh, is overall decent enough. The odd voice was a bit muffled or of poor quality, but this is easy to forgive. But let's not get too deep into the faults. This is meant to be a comedy and comedies are meant to make you smile and laugh. And to me, Slightly Confused did its job. Laughs per minute, I'd say this movie was worth the watch, but with some improvements in a couple of areas, especially the music, this could have been a comedy to remember for a long long time. Instead, we'll have to wait for the sequel. Slightly Confused could be a distant memory when Moderately Confused, comes along.

Score: 73/100

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