
Alternate Vlarion 2 - Dark Anticipation

Reviewed by Ben Lee

This review contains some spoilers.

To be honest, this wasn't what I was hoping for. What I was expecting was a small change occuring somewhere in this movie and for that to affect the consequences. I kind of got that, but to be honest, the only real difference in this movie, apart from when Dask leaves Brian there to sleep for a little bit longer, is the ending. I did watch the whole movie and predictably I got a bit bored seeing the same things again (but there are a couple of tiny changes if you look closely enough). And that's about it, apart from the odd scene, nearly everything is identical to Vlarion 2.

The change in the ending battle was very interesting though, and it treats you with a Vlarion battle. How the battle ends is very intruiging and it kind of leaves Alternate Vlarion 2 on a kind of cliffhanger. Think what happened in Vlarion 4 and put it here. That's all I'm going to say. Alternate Vlarion 2 also builds up loads of questions which leaves the viewers asking stuff like "why did Dask change his decision" and all these will hopefully be answered in the next two Alternate Vlarion movies.

Admittedly it is hard to find a lot of good things to say about a movie which is effectively the same as Vlarion 2 for most of the runtime. But despite the lack of changes though, and even though it can get a bit dull at times, if you have been following the Vlarion series, I still recommend you to watch Alternate Vlarion 2, just for the story. The concept of 'changing time' is a rather new one that hasn't been seen much here and it looks like, story-wise, Alternate Vlarion 3 will deliver big time. With Brian out of the way for the ending, unable to betray his fellow 'friends', surely you are curious of how Alternate Vlarion 2 ends?

Score: 64/100

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