
Newshoes 2

Reviewed by Mike Belfance

Never before have I seen a movie more split down the middle, quality-wise, than "New Shoes 2". The first half of the movie is slowly paced and featured only a few jokes that got any more than a smile out of me. The second half however is full of great laugh-out-loud moments and ends up being very interesting to watch. You can tell that this new director was learning as he went, but once he finally gets the hang of things, the movie turns out to be a really funny comedy! If the whole movie was just as great as its second half, this would be fairly high up on my list of favorite 3dmm comedies.

The movie's storyline (which, surprisingly, has absolutely nothing to do with new shoes) is about a group of friends that decide to all get new jobs. In the first half of the movie's only really great funny moment, two of them get stuck with low level "burger flipper" and "paperboy" jobs, while one gets hired to star in a new blockbuster action movie. It's a great setup, that could (and later on, does) make for some comic gold. The movie is helped out by some great voice actors who, unfortunately, are occasionally drowned out by the movie's background music.

The movie's first two major sections (which take place in a burger joint and on a paper route) are also its weakest. I don't remember laughing much at all during these parts of the movie, really. The comic timing was definitely off here. Someone getting hit in the face by a news paper can be funny, but it's a joke that needs to be pulled off quickly. The audience is going to guess what's going to happen almost immediately, so if your going to wait 10-15 seconds after it's suggested to have it actually happen, at least throw in something unexpected to make it funnier. When you KNOW what's going to happen, and there's a big pause, and then you get exactly the joke you were expecting, it's hard to laugh. However, we then get to the part with the guy in the movie studio, and it becomes really funny! The voice of the "director" in this section was hilariously annoying, and all of the dry sarcastic humour centered around the movie's bad acting was great! The next part of the movie, which deals with the grandfather of one of the movie's main characters isn't quite as funny, but it's still a huge step up from the movie's opening. Finally, the movie closes with the full version of the cheesy action movie shown being filmed earlier. This is probably the best part of the movie, I was literally laughing out loud throughout this entire segment.

The humour found in this movie's second half is really the best reason to download "New Shoes 2", the technical side is actually pretty weak. Pre-made scenes are used briefly, which I honestly prefer to boring thrown together hand made scenes (which is why I actually would rather see newbies who aren't used to making their own scenes stick to them, at least for a little while), but if your the kind of person that sees default 3dmm scenes, and your eyes start bleeding, be warned that they're there. The movie's hand made scenes are "alright", although they're never anything really impressive. The sound is good enough, although as I said before, the music is occasionally played at way-too-high volume. From a technical stand point, the movie is merely okay- although when it comes to comedies, I never really focus on the technical side of things. It all comes down to one thing basically, "Did I find it funny?". The answer here is, "for the most part, yes.".

So, here we have a movie that is really split as far as "how well it does its job of making you laugh" goes. Honestly, I find the second half of this movie is funny enough to make up for the slightly boring opening section. I think that this director has improved enough over the course of this movie to make a really memorable comedy someday soon. That said, I'll be really looking forward to his next release. As for this one, I give it a 72% out of 100%.


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