
Stranger 4

Reviewed by Jason Meckes

Ha ha ha ha ha, finally! This has to be like my favorite true series in 3dmm.

I've been a fan since the very first stranger, and as soon as I found out there were more, I rushed to download them... to my great pleasure, of course. Years later I hear that Jordi planned to Make a Stranger 4, and the screens were indeed orgasmic... Ohhh man, good stuff. So yeah, here it finally is, after being resurrected at least one time (And saved by PowerPlay's influence, I believe). Now I can die a happy man.

Jordi never ceases to amaze me, and this movie was indeed full of tricks and animation mastery not yet before seen on this program. With comical realism, and occasional obvious over exaggeration, the stunning visuals are not only charming, but often quite hilarious. This, my friends, is the backbone of the Stranger series, which, in my humble opinion, has finally been found again after the over-seriousness of Stranger's last escapade (ToaK 1.2). I noticed the homage(?) to Stranger 2 with the fan shadows, though that might simply be Jordi's running style through the series.

The music was excellently chosen and applied, often giving whatever scenes placed in the character needed for best impact. Western themes abound, with the occasional harmonica cue to open a desert scape. The voices, I thought, were awesome. Jaymond did an excellent job as Stranger, and I was convinced that it was the same voice actor as the other 4 Stranger-based movies (It wasn't....was it?). But yeah, either way, awesomeness. Evan's contribution seemed a little awkward, but that's mostly due to the character he played's purposefully silent, raspy voice.

A few scenes in this movie did, yes, seem out of place. Such as the pointless 'duel' with the lawn gnome, and the overused 'time lapse' effect. Some, like these, help to add to the chaotics of the film, but they also gave it an uneasy, unprepared... 'slapped-together' look. Not really distracting, or even that noticeable for that matter, but perhaps some scenes would've been better left to play through the credits or something.

The major disappointment of this film, I regret to add, is it's lackluster ending. Expecting this to be the final chapter in the Stranger series, I was expecting all of the earlier escapades and brawls to be shadowed by what should be a great finale. What I instead got was a neither comical, nor visually awe-inspiring climax. I am referring to the final bullets shot, that is. My great expectations (Oooh, classic literature) are mostly to blame for this letdown, but still.. I did/do believe that an amazing clutch was still in order.

Other than that, Stranger 4 delivered in every way possible. I'm both ecstatic and relieved that Jordi found the persistence to finish this movie, kudos to him indeed! Matrix rip-off...Maltby wannabe? No, not this Jordi Visser. He's got his own distinct style, and I love it to death! Ha ha, action rarely mixes so well with pointless comedy than so in the Stranger series. It's hard to believe, but this movie actually managed to outdo the amazing Stranger 3, as well as the original Two of a Kind. Now THAT's saying something!

All in all, I wish Jordi the best of luck in furthering his directing career to new, unimaginable heights, and might his perfect blending of comedy with mind-boggling action return in many movies to come!

The Stranger once again returns to the Wild West, and only his trademark over-the-top action and nonstop hilarity can stop a madman... amazingly madder than he!

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