
Community Clash Season 1 Episode 4

Reviewed by Jason Meckes

After three months of intense... waiting.. Sammy Sagitarius finally unveils the much anticipated Community Clash: Episode 4 to us. Sammy himself seems dumbfounded that the wait was this long for an episode made nearly entirely out of default scenery, and his reasons are quite understandable, but I'm afraid crushed expectations aren't quite so forgiving.

In an effort to put a little more 'character' into the show's Jeff Ching, Sammy decides to let Jeff take the reins as director for this episode, and show us that there's more to everyone's favorite Asian Hebrew than scenery more Simple than his music taste. Unfortunately, there isn't.

I will say that the use of so much default scenery really brought back feelings of nostalgia. In fact, it made me wonder why movies of this standard were not the standard back before 2000. This is to say that it wasn't terrible, but only mildly entertaining. Luckily, once again, Sammy has a good alibi to back him up. The shoddy directing, nonexistent animation, and cheap, lifeless jokes are all part of the episode's own running joke. What luster it had when beginning, however, is lost soon after the first 100-frame static angle. I must, however, give the proverbial 'props' to Sammy for keeping an interesting pace, while making fun of Jeff's lack thereof, throughout this piece.

The comedy is a let down as well. Adding the potential of 3dmm retrospecting with the already-developed characters of Community Clash should make for easy hilarity. What gets me with this episode is not that it's not as funny as the previous installments, but rather that it could've been the best. Make Space Goat's Soup Nazi the kitchen waiter, or throw in subtle puns from Ching's previous works (To be fair, this was done in at least one scene). Heck, the fact that Ching relies on other directors to make scenes that take more than 3 cubes to assemble is an easy story-tangent right there. I'm sure that Sammy had many ideas, but what actually made it to film just didn't do it for me. Andres' interaction with the diner person was probably the highlight of the episode, which otherwise would've been just a spare chuckle in the other episodes.

Overall, if this review didn't already state it for you, this episode was a complete letdown for me. Perhaps reading the included text before the movie, rather than after, would've helped ease the problems I had, but at least this way you, the audience, get a good idea of how the actual movie turned out, in my opinion. I found myself longing to get back to the tried and true 'mansion' atmosphere of the other episodes, so the beginning and end scenes were like gulps of air surrounding one very large, menacing, and shiveringly cold iceberg. Of course, even then, the air on both sides is a good mix of New Jersey and London. Stick to smoking.

After raising the bar so high, this stumble in the series is more akin to a train wreck. In the middle of a hospital, on a beautiful day, in some country so overcrowded and impoverished that we don't even know it's name

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