
Slightly Confused

Reviewed by Jon Barton

Slightly Confused was one of those movies that I was always aware of, but I never got round to watching. But when I did, I laughed. I enjoyed, and I put it on my reviews to do list. I could go off on one about the narrative tendencies the movie has to dislodge the audience's sense of humour and put a new slapstick twist to it, but without being pretentious and longwinded... It's a great movie, put it that way.

This is a movie that reeks of quality. Orcus has spent a long time on scenery and animation, and crafting the fairly complex chain of events into a nice little comic actioner. Again, its a movie that while watching you laugh at the funny bits that you never seem to pinpoint afterwards, and enjoy the narrative during the never difficult conversational parts that you seem to forget may have been even remotely tedious on reflection. Like so many of these classy little humour driven movies, the concept of a semi-confident bank robber is hilarious, and the idiocy of the police unit is just as entertaining. It's just a shame that Slightly Confused is sometimes slow in places, and it makes me wonder whether it would have benefited from being shortened, or at least making choice cuts to the sometimes overly brought out scenes. but with this in mind, Orcus' drawl debut is a great movie, well-crafted and continuous, which is always commendable.

The movie proved Orcus' capability, and defined police stupidity. It took me long enough to get round to seeing it, but if there's justice to be had for Orcus' work you'll go and watch it right now. A neatly packaged comedy, and a great example of good direction.


Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries