

Reviewed by Jon Barton

The last of the reviews I can be arsed to write this time around, fittingly contradictory to it's recent success. Redux is, as Tom Bown put it, the 3dmm Fantasia, and I'm inclined to agree. Once again Goro wows us with his obvious charm with the mouse button, delivering not only some absolutely stunning animation to us all, but also his answer to any belief that he is just 'the guy that does the toad quite well'. Aaron Haynes also has earned a new place on my hitlist of rewarding comments tonight, inspiring me not only to get my arse in gear and actually get round to watch Alternate Vlarion but also giving me no reason to object to any of his future work whatsoever.

While the other movies gave me specific moments of awe, Redux blew me away in it's entirety, but there was one shot that I truly felt added only to the beauty of the movie; Toad, watching the falling snow, every snowflake carefully animated to suit apparent wind condition and climate. Goro and Aaron only reinforce this further by contradicting Jeff's Ching dated comment on not being arsed with making good credits, by making the best ever made. A fold out book, that spins and flips, adds to that red curtain feel of the movie.

While the movie follows only a outlined narrative as opposed to any specific plot, the guys make up for this through their use of music, fitting isolated cues effectively, as well as being damn near to the best soundtrack I've heard in a long time. (see the thread in New Releases for that link). It's also quite pleasant to see the appearance of some much loved cameos. That, and I have absolutely no objection to my own Yeti & Squidworth nabbing some limelight (nicely animated there dudes! ) It's nice to see the NUTS squirrels again, I'd begun to miss those pesky critters.

It's when you look at Redux as a package that you stop and stare. Everything has fluid movement. I actually began to look for things that weren't animated, to no avail unfortunately, much to Aaron and Goro's credit.

There is no doubt in my mind that Redux is a fantastical piece of work, and it makes you wonder, considering it was made in 2 months, just how much better is Goro going to get, and on a regular basis too. And while I'm at it, those of you who didn't see the teaser for Alternate Vlarion, go watch it. You can learn things even from that trailer!

Redux is a masterpiece. No more and no less. Goro and Aaron see out 2003 with a bang, and if their next movies are anything to go by, 2004 will be just as prosperous and exciting. I look forward to the DVD edition, where no doubt we'll see Toad in his Sorcerer's Apprentice red gown and hat, in true respect to the movie.


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