
Alternate Vlarion 2 - Dark Anticipation

Reviewed by Jon Barton

It's difficult to review the first Alternate sequel without repetition considering 3/4 of the movie is the same as the original sequel. However, where V2's objective was to end on a climactic dark undertone AV2 serves to demonstrate the extent of the magic involved in the story, and another Vlarion battle in there to move the new plot twist along. At this point the story branches off, unfortunately Aaron refuses to make the most of it. Where V2's ultimate high moment fell on the atmospheric and fairly distressing sense of unbeatable odds in the battle between good and evil, AV2 bypasses this notion completely and consequently ends on a confusing note. The cliffhanger, especially those who have followed the entirety of the original saga isn't nearly as effective as V2's ultimately needed to be to gas in a committed audience, and while the battles all look very special and exciting they don't seem to hit the chord that the previous ones had done.

Reviewing AV2 for all its new touches is like reviewing V2 all over, save for the replacement ending which sadly isn't as effective. However, if you enjoyed V2, then AV2 is your bag.


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