

Reviewed by Andres De La Hoz

This is one of those cases where I simply have to weep. Here we have an extremely great concept for a 3dmm movie: a battle between Legos and Army Men. The possibilities for brilliant animation, well-thought out color schemes, and fluid direction are right there. And the idea, in a broader sense, is interesting: a battle set in a toy world. What Handmade Character has done is to completely fuck this up. Completely.

Let's start with the good aspects. The animation's terrific. There are some very well-constructed scenes here. The colors are vibrant and make the movie feel unique. There's a few shots here that are beautiful.

That's it. A few beautiful, well-constructed shots. They, however, are sloppily joined together to make a completely pointless, completely aimless piece of garbage. This is more of an animation test and not an actual movie. There is NOTHING here. Nothing of any entertainment. It's just random scenes. I'm not kidding. I don't remember a single, distinct thing happening here. All I remember are a few flashy colors. The direction is atrocious. Sure, the animation's good. But if I don't get what's happening, obviously the direction's at fault. This is horribly edited. It's just a stupid collection of scenes that can't possibly entertain you. And even if they mysteriously DO entertain you, you'll be more entertained by what could have been than by what it actually is.

To top it off, the ending. The ending to this movie is an atrocity, the kind of ending that could have been put at any place in the movie simply as an excuse for the director to stop working. Not to mention, it's completely unfunny.

What else. Oh, sounds. The music blows. Seriously. Have we NOT heard this thing before? Come on. Be creative. Find something that fits, not the same trailer music everyone uses. Sound effects? There aren't any.

Normally, I would give this a 2/5 or something. But this is far beyond a bad movie. This has taken an awesome concept and practically ruined it for everyone else. Who's going to want to make a really good movie based on an idea of the sort, when it'll probably be branded a ripoff? Thanks for ruining toy movies.


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