
Vlarion 4 - The Heavens Crumble


"Vlarion 4 in the best sense of the word makes the audience feel a very genuine sense of gratification, and that is something rarely achieved, even in films made presently." 9/10

"The final battles are full of suspense, and the last one is breathtaking, climatic and nerve-wrecking. It is in this movie where I realised that I actually felt for the group." 8.6/10

"Vlarion 4 wraps things up very nicely and very effectively. In an ominous way, the director signifies that while these characters will probably never meet again, the audience juuuust might. " 8/10

Directed by Aaron Haynes
Genre: Fantasy
Runtime: 71 minutes
Release Date: August 14, 2000 (DragonFilms release)
Filesize: 1.5 MB

Average Score:
Does a fine job of ending the story and at last begins to push some real ground cinematically.

Download: Vlarion 4 - The Heavens Crumble (.zip)

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