
Vlarion 3 - Carrier of the Light


"Now this is more like it." 8.1/10

"I felt that the ending worked rather well for this point in the series, as we finally had the end to a complete section of the story, unlike the last two installments." 8/10

"A great addition to the Vlarion tale, but serves more to push the narrative forward into new territory and lead into the highs of the fourth film than offer anything especially unique." 7/10

Directed by Aaron Haynes
Genre: Fantasy
Runtime: 72 minutes
Release Date: August 14, 2000 (DragonFilms release)
Filesize: 1.3 MB

Average Score:
Starts quietly after the heightened conclusion of Vlarion 2, but ties up several plot points and starts the march towards the finale.

Download: Vlarion 3 - Carrier of the Light (.zip)

Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries