
Vlarion - The Elemental War


"If every journey has a first step, then this one kinda bopped around a bit, slipped and fell down a hill, rolled, then landed Olympic-style, all while on video for RealTV." 8/10

"A solid start to one of the most well-known series in 3DMM." 7.5/10

"The main problem with Vlarion 1 is that it's a movie that has been made before its time. For all its subtleties Vlarion 1 remains the beginning of something very special, but critically serves to represent the downside to the series' aging process." 7/10

Directed by Aaron Haynes
Genre: Fantasy
Runtime: 35 minutes
Release Date: August 6th, 2000 (DragonFilms release)
Filesize: 915 KB

Average Score:
Bumpy and shows its age in many spots, but kicks off the series competently enough.

Download: Vlarion - The Elemental War (.zip)

Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries