
Liquid Sunshine



"The entirety of Liquid Sunshine is more brilliantly scripted, directed, and acted, and ultimately more captivating than any four minutes from any other film released this year." 9.5/10

"That rare movie that comes along and reminds us that cinema is not exclusive to story-telling, but an art form all of it's own." 9.5/10

"It wasn't until now, third time watching it, when I realized the specific details are not what are important, but what is important is for us to understand that this man is just as confused as us, but doesn't realize it." 9.5/10

"As far as thought-provoking, somewhat artsy 3dmm films go, there's not much out there. Liquid Sunshine, a new short film by Jon Barton, sets out to fill that void a little." 9/10

"It didn't have the punch or emotional resonance that, say, a Ben Williams short has. It's a flawed and ultimately not that moving piece of work, but it's one step away from greatness." 7/10

Directed by Jon Barton
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Runtime: 4 minutes
Release Date: May 18th, 2004
Filesize: 3.1 MB

Average Score: 8.9/10
A tightly produced, well-directed piece that manages to capture a particular state of mind and connect on comedic and dramatic levels equally.

Download: Liquid Sunshine (.zip)

Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries