


"The unique blend of colours in both scenery and characters allows the fictitious world in Cycles to come to life, and look amazingly brilliant. I absolutely loved this movie." 10/10

"That's the great thing about this movie - any underlying message isn't forced on you. You're given the chance take it as it is." 8.9/10

"Overall, this is a delightful movie to watch. If you like to think about the morals after movies, even better." 8.4/10

"A fun little anecdote that contains more than meets the eye, but doesn't rely on such for story completion or raw satisfaction." 8/10

"What Andres brings forward is a non-revolutionary, yet quite well crafted movie making style that, with a little effort, could be attained by just about anyone." 8/10

"Andres has created a trend that I hope catches on -- a director changing the scale and voice of a project when it becomes apparent that it's too big to finish." 7.5/10

Directed by Andres De La Hoz
Genre: Fantasy/Comedy
Runtime: 8 minutes
Filesize: 3.3 MB

A stylish, short fable with a simple but somewhat thought-provoking moral attached. It ain't easy being God.
Average Score:

Download: Cycles (.zip)

Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries