
Alternate Vlarion 3 - Echo of Time


"To some extent Andres may have a point. But to a far greater extent Aaron has achieved something rarely done or indeed, as far as I'm aware something that's never been done in narrative terms: the power of a good story in the greatest sense of the word." 10/10

"Alternate Vlarion 3 is bigger, badder, and much, much crazier than anything the original series even hinted toward." 9.5/10

"With the end approaching faster and faster, Alternate 3 is a great base for the finale, exceeding my expectations. I wonder, can we mess around with time like the Aragiye Bug? You know, just to make Aaron work a little bit harder on Alternate Vlarion 4?" 9.2/10

"One of the most memorable and interesting fantasy movies ever crafted in 3dmm." 9.1/10

"People really need to give this a chance and see this movie for what it really is: a great film." 8.9/10

Directed by Aaron Haynes
Genre: Fantasy
Runtime: 100 minutes
Filesize: 2.8 MB

Average Score: 9.4/10
(To be written by someone who isn't Aaron Haynes)

Download: Alternate Vlarion 3 (.zip)

Copyright © 2004 Ultima Productions/Gorosaur Industries